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1 reviews
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Wordsmith? Prove it

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Discover Wordox, a captivating multiplayer word game designed to expand your vocabulary and put your lexical skills to the test. As an engaging and strategic word puzzle, players are invited to scramble letters, craft words, and outmaneuver opponents by stealing points and mastering the game board.

Players have the opportunity to start their own game, inviting friends or connecting with participants globally for a stimulating and competitive experience. The app caters to all levels, whether one prefers playing casually with acquaintances or diving into intense word battles with other enthusiasts.

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The uniqueness of this platform lies in its 1-on-1 gameplay, where each turn is a chance to compose words and cleverly snatch points from a rival. Success hinges not just on the ability to form lengthy words but also on adeptly using prefixes, suffixes, and a keen strategy to turn the tables in one's favor.

For those who seek to hone their vocabulary against a challenging AI, varying difficulty levels are available to keep users sharp and engaged. This feature allows players to refine their skills solo, providing a perfect avenue for practice and improvement.

Additionally, fresh weekly events are regularly introduced, which include coins to win and entertaining competitive elements that enhance the play experience and allow engagement with an active community.

This game is an ideal destination for word game aficionados and anyone who loves a good intellectual challenge. With a vast array of features and dynamic gameplay, it promises hours of enjoyment and the chance to connect with word lovers everywhere. Embrace the thrill of the ultimate word showdown – download it and may the best wordsmith triumph!

Remember, while the game is free to play, it does include advertisements and offers in-app purchases, ensuring a broad and accessible experience for all users.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.4 or higher required

Information about Wordox 5.5.1

Package Name com.iscoolentertainment.wordoxfree
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Puzzle
Language English
47 more
Author IsCool Entertainment
Downloads 17,682
Date Dec 19, 2023
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 5.4.42 Android + 4.4 Oct 16, 2023
apk 5.4.41 Android + 4.4 Oct 14, 2023
apk 5.4.40 Android + 4.4 Aug 11, 2023
apk 5.4.39 Android + 4.4 Jul 21, 2023
apk 5.4.35 Android + 4.4 Jun 12, 2023
apk 5.4.34 Android + 4.4 May 25, 2023

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